scholarship opportunities

Diversity, multiculturalism and inclusion are some of the most important aspects of private primary colleges and private secondary colleges throughout Queensland. Australia is a diverse country, and it is the role of educators within primary schools and secondary schools to create a culture of inclusion, understanding, and appreciation. Through different school programs, celebration weeks and classes, students are exposed to a range of different cultures, learning their practices and traditions. In this article, The Springfield Anglican College discusses the importance of promoting diversity and inclusion in schools, and what types of programs schools can use to encourage this.

Importance of Inclusion 

The Springfield Anglican College embraces the Anglican ethos of inclusion. Students and staff are able to express themselves and live authentically within a welcoming, safe and inclusive environment, free from discrimination and stigma, regardless of sex, gender identity, race, gender expression and sexual orientation. Springfield is one of the most welcoming private primary colleges in Queensland.

Cultural Week at Springfield Anglican College 

Cultural week at The Springfield Anglican College is a unique and fun way for students to learn about and appreciate the different cultures that exist within our school. It is a week of celebration, in which students and staff are immersed in displays of dance, art, music, food, dress and language from all over the world. The College’s Cultural Prefects organise the week and create opportunities for all students and staff to express and celebrate their culture and traditions.

Promoting Diversity Through Scholarship Opportunities 

Scholarship opportunities are a fantastic way to encourage families to join our Anglican College who may not have the financial ability to afford private schooling. Scholarships are open from Year 7 and are available for academic excellence, general excellence, creative arts, sports, church and service.

Learn more about diversity within private primary colleges and secondary colleges by reaching out to our friendly staff today.

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