Springfield Colleges


The Springfield Anglican College is a school where students and staff can thrive in a community and environment that inspires excellence, confidence, and compassion and empowers them to live our values of respect, integrity, and courage.

We are strongly committed to providing students with service experiences, to assist them in understanding their privileged place in the world, and their power to facilitate positive change and experience the fundamental ways in which being other-person-centred can be good for their own well-being.

Student Leadership

The Springfield Anglican College provides opportunities for both Primary and Secondary students to develop their leadership qualities and make a positive impact within our College and our local community. Considered vital life skills, students are taught to communicate effectively, problem-solve creatively, and lead with integrity.

Students who are interested in formal student leadership roles can be nominated to complete the College’s leadership program, RAISE. Students are encouraged to reflect on their strengths and areas for development, contribute to the College and the wider community, engage in public speaking, work with different groups of people, and tackle meaningful projects. All students in Year 12 can continue in the RAISE program and be accredited with a leadership certificate at Bronze, Silver and Gold levels.

Leadership comes in many forms and is a vital life skill that can be taught.

Promote Different Types of Leadership

Different types of students have the ability to be leaders in their own way. Good Springfield colleges understand that confident students are more likely to excel at public speaking, decision-making, and social skills. However, there are many types of leadership, and each makes different, yet valuable, contributions to the College. Independent and introverted students, for example, may mentor younger students or be found supporting creative co-curricular activities, such as drama troupes, chess clubs and creative writing clubs.

Recognition as Leaders 

Educators at Springfield Colleges and around Australia understand that students should learn that different types of leadership skills are valued and important. The College emphasises servant leadership which puts the needs of others first. Across the Primary and Secondary Campus, students have formal and informal leadership opportunities across sports, creative arts, clan activities (pastoral), service, culture, academics, and many other areas.

To learn more about how Springfield Anglican College promotes leadership, get in touch with our staff today.

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