Senior secondary students from The Springfield Anglican College regularly volunteer with Rosies Outreach Program to connect with people living in crisis in the Ipswich area and live the College’s values of respect, courage and integrity.

Throughout the year, senior secondary students (in Years 11 and 12) will work in teams of four, and will support the Rosies team during 15 sessions throughout the year. The program is coordinated by the College’s Chaplain, Reverend Jonathan Kemp, who also attends the outings to hand out donated food, drinks, and blankets to those in need.

Rev Jonathan Kemp, says, “The College’s focus on service is based on Christian ministry. When TSAC students volunteer in the community, they meet people from different walks of life and provide a warm meal and hot drink. As importantly, they speak with the young people and play games with the children. They learn that friendship and social connection are just as important as providing food and supplies. They also talk with clients from a range of ages and backgrounds, many of whom are struggling in the current economic climate.

Students are given support and training before they start volunteering, as it can be confronting to see people of all ages, including families with small children, coming to seek help and support.

“We don’t know everyone’s circumstances, but we know that there are people in need who are asking for a hand,” Rev Jonathan continues.

“Volunteering encourages students to question their preconceptions about people who have been dealt a different hand in life, and give of themselves and their time to help people in need.”


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